Chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, SC

The Top 3 Causes of Headaches

A variety of factors can cause primary headaches. The good news is that many lifestyle
factors are habits and patterns you can control. Discover the top 3 causes of headaches in our new blog.

A variety of factors can cause primary headaches. Understanding a few of the most common causes of headaches will give you the information to make the changes needed to find lasting relief! The good news is that many lifestyle factors are habits and patterns you can control.

Ironically, one of the most common causes of headaches is the medication usually prescribed to treat headaches. Overusing over-the-counter medications is a leading factor in a refractory or bounce-back headache, so pills may not be the best option for care. Many tension headaches start with repetitive motion and poor posture while sitting or standing at work. Keeping your shoulders back and your spine in proper alignment throughout the day can help prevent future episodes. And finally- most of the good stuff like coffee, cheese, alcohol, and meats have substances that can cause headaches. You don’t need to eliminate them, but we recommend having a watchful eye towards moderation.

  • Medications: Many commonly prescribed pain-relieving medications (including those prescribed for headache relief) list headaches as a top side effect.
  • Foods: coffee, cheese, alcohol, and many types of meat contain substances that can contribute to headaches.
  • Posture: forward head posture due to long hours sitting or standing at work is a primary factor in the development of tension and cervicogenic headaches.

Do you see anything in the top 3 causes that may be contributing to your headaches? Taking a proactive step of improving your posture and ergonomics at work, moderating the foods that cause headaches, or asking your medical doctor about the side effects of medications and potentially finding alternative treatment options may help you reduce the frequency, severity, and impact of headaches are having in your life.

Headache Types: The Facts You Need to Know

Death, taxes, and…headaches? Almost everyone will experience a headache at some point in their life, and over 50% of people will deal with the effects of a headache in a given year. Fortunately, headaches are rarely life threatening. But for people dealing with chronic headaches, they can dramatically impact your quality of life.

The International Headache Society has classified over 150 different types of headaches. The most common are migraines, tension, and cluster headaches. Knowing what kind of headache you are dealing with is the first step toward finding the best care plan to find relief.

  • Migraine: sensitivity to light and sound is common during migraine headaches. Approximately 1/3rd of people will experience an aura before the onset of a migraine.
  • Tension: Almost everyone will experience a tension headache during their life. Stress, anxiety, dehydration, and even posture can trigger a tension headache.
  • Cluster: Affecting more men than women, cluster headaches cause severe pain behind or around your eye and last between 15 minutes and 3 hours.

Now that you’ve identified your headache type- it’s important to know why it’s happened. Often, a few simple changes in your daily routine can potentially reduce or eliminate chronic headaches for good. Next week, we’ll cover the top 3 causes of headaches so you can take your first steps towards prevention.

How to Prevent Sciatica Pain

It’s easy to understand how lifting a heavy object at work could injure your back, pinch a nerve, and cause sciatica. But, surprisingly, research has shown that too much sitting may be the worst thing you could do for your back. When you spend hours per day sitting down, the muscles that support your low back can start to deteriorate or atrophy. Without strong, stabilizing muscles to support your discs and nerves, it’s no surprise that you are more likely to injure your back, even when lifting lightweight items around the house.

Fortunately, preventing sciatica may be easier than you think. New research indicates that consistent exercise can stop or even reverse the effects of too much sitting. Thirty minutes of exercise each day can help strengthen the supporting muscles around your spinal column and help prevent future episodes of sciatica. Getting periodic spinal adjustment may also be a great idea. The top research journal SPINE found that maintained chiropractic care can evaluate, detect, and potentially prevent future disc problems and low back pain episodes.

Chiropractors can help evaluate, detect, treat, and prevent future episodes of low back pain.

Exercise daily to help strengthen the core muscles that support your spinal column.

Stretch before and after activity to improve your flexibility and reduce your chances of injury.


Next Steps:

Take action by setting a daily schedule of exercise. If time is tight, just take a few minutes every hour at work to walk around the office. Remember, starting small is better than not starting at all. And, as days become weeks, months, and years, the exercise you do now will pay huge dividends down the road to keep you happy, healthy, and pain-free. If you have struggled with recurrent or chronic low back pain, be sure to have your next appointment scheduled in our practice to stay proactive with your health.

The Top Causes of Sciatica Revealed

Sciatica is pain caused by the irritation or compression of nerves in your lower back. When a nerve is compressed or irritated by a spinal disc, bone spur, or ligament overgrowth, it can become inflamed and painful. This can occur due to age, the stress of gravity on your skeletal system, or injuries to your back. Stenosis (spinal column narrowing), disc herniations, or degenerative disk disease are other common causes of sciatica.

Think of your nerves like small, high-powered electrical lines. They transmit signals from the power station, your central nervous system, to all your body’s muscles, organs, and cells. The electrical lines or nerves in your low back travel down your hips, buttocks, and legs to your feet. If the nerve is irritated at the power station, it will affect everything along the path of that line. That is why a spinal disc irritating a nerve in your low back can result in pain down into your leg!

Burning, numbness, or tingling in your leg could be caused by a pinched nerve in your low back.

Staying active with daily exercise, stretching, and periodic chiropractic care can help prevent issues in your low back.

Over 90% of patients with sciatica reported being “much better” or “better” after receiving chiropractic care.

What You Need to Know About Sciatica

Sciatica is leg pain, numbness, or tingling that originates in your low back. And wow, can it hurt! The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. It is made up of individual branches or nerve roots in your lower back that combine to form the sciatic nerve, which then travels down into your legs. Increased leg pain when sitting, weakness in your leg/foot, and sharp pain that makes walking difficult are common symptoms people experience when the sciatic nerve is pinched or irritated.

Did you know that sciatica often resolves without resorting to risky medications or dangerous surgery? Research has shown that 89% of patients suffering from sciatica responded very well to chiropractic adjustments. Medications or injections are no longer a first-line treatment due to their risks and limited effectiveness. Also, if you’ve thought about therapy that doesn’t include spinal mobilization, here is something to consider: a recent paper found that 20% more patients experienced relief with spinal adjustments than exercise alone.

Nerve roots in your lower back combine to form the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve travels from your lower back down into your buttocks, legs,
and feet.

Research shows over 89% of patients with sciatica respond well to
chiropractic care.

What is Sciatica?

Nearly everyone will have back pain at some point in life, but with sciatica, you’ll know something is different immediately. Pain that begins in your back, travels down to your buttocks, and shoots down your leg is a classic sign of sciatica. The shooting pain down your leg is caused by compression on nerves exiting your spine. Even a tiny amount of pressure can cause tremendous pain, so getting rid of the inflammation and opening up space for the nerve is essential to start finding relief.

Pinching or compression on a spinal nerve can occur because of an injury to one of your spinal discs (such as disc herniation), the development of a bone spur, or ligaments that have increased in size. Either way, it’s likely to cause pain and discomfort until you can decrease the inflammation, open up space for the nerve, or improve the movement of the spinal joint.

Sciatica occurs when a spinal nerve gets pinched by a disc, bone spur, or ligament and can cause pain that travels down the buttocks and leg.

Research has discovered that 60% of people with sciatica benefitted from chiropractic adjustments to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention (without any risks!).

Exercise and rehab can help strengthen the muscles supporting your spine and reduce the likelihood of a relapse.

Posture: The Science of Body Position

Is There a Perfect Posture?

“Sit up straight and stop slouching!” You’ve likely heard this since childhood, but is there such a thing as perfect posture? The answer is a bit complicated. The latest research shows that thinking about a “balanced” or “dynamic” posture may be more important than a perfect one. And we’re also discovering that our ability to change positions and move may be more critical than our static position while standing or sitting.

Your posture comprises a dynamic pattern of responses, reflexes, and habits—not a single position. Gravity, your work environment, and your anatomy all play a role. For instance, sitting for hours staring at a computer screen is a perfect example of an imbalanced and challenged posture due to ergonomics. Over time, this imbalance can lead to forward head posture, which can cause pain and potentially even degenerative changes in your joints. Forward head posture affects millions of people who spend their days using computers. It places stress on the neck and shoulders and weakens the supporting muscles.

Forward head posture affects millions and results in neck pain for up to 75% of people.

Neck pain, tension, stiffness, and tenderness are all signs of chronic forward head posture.

Trapezius strengthening has been shown to provide clinically significant relief for those struggling with neck pain as a result of forward head posture.

Strength and flexibility play a significant role in your posture. Having good core strength and balancing that strength with flexibility can help you dynamically adapt to your environment. While “perfect” posture may not exist, each of us can improve our strength, flexibility, and ergonomics to reduce our likelihood of experiencing pain. If you spend your days looking at a computer, let us know. We’ll be happy to recommend a care plan to help you balance the effects of all that screen time.



Improving Your Posture to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Posture is the position that your body maintains while standing, sitting, or lying down. Most experts would agree that “good” posture reduces the stress on your spine by balancing the load placed upon the muscles and ligaments that support it.

Good posture is essential because it helps you align your bones and joints properly. This helps reduce the wear and tear on your joints and can decrease the strain on the ligaments that support your spine. New research also indicates that maintaining a good or balanced posture can help you use your muscles more efficiently and prevent fatigue.

To prevent back pain, your best posture may be one of motion. If you sit in one position too long, small nerves will detect the pressure and send messages to your brain, indicating that you’re uncomfortable—which is your prompt to move!

Researchers believe these “uncomfortable” signals before pain are our body’s way of telling us to move or change positions. A standing desk is one of the best strategies to reduce neck and lower back pain associated with sitting.

Good posture means keeping your spinal curves aligned and weight evenly distributed.

Changing positions or using a standing desk can help you improve your posture and reduce your risk of neck and back pain.

Standing desks have been shown to reduce back pain by over 30% compared to sitting at a desk.

One of the best ways to improve your posture is to not stay in a single position for too long. Changing your position throughout the day, using a lumbar support when seated, and even using a standing desk are all ways that you can reduce fatigue and pain.




Postural Stress: The Link Between Tech Neck and Pain

Postural stress occurs not only because of your anatomy but also because of the decisions you make each day. Believe it or not, many spend 2 hours or more daily on their smartphones or tablets. That adds up to hundreds if not thousands, of hours each year! The position we hold our heads in while using these devices is referred to as “tech neck.” And over the past few years, the pain associated with these positions has been growing by leaps and bounds.

It’s estimated that tilting your head forward, even just 15 degrees, can increase the weight of your head on your neck by over 3X. Tilting your head forward 60 degrees can reduce the stress and strain on your neck. Over time, this can result in pain, stiffness, dysfunction, headaches, and more. The excellent news about postural stress and tech neck is that a few simple changes to your routine can help you reduce your risk of experiencing pain.

Tech neck is the term used to describe the flexed head and neck position that occurs when looking down at your smartphone.

Even 15 degrees of forward bending (flexion) can increase the stress of your head on your neck by 3X.

Look up taking breaks every 15 minutes and looking up for your phone or tablet can help your body reset and give your muscles a chance to relax.

Reducing the symptoms of tech neck is more than merely changing the angle of how you look at your phone. By properly evaluating your ergonomics, we can make personalized recommendations to help your body maintain a more balanced posture. By reducing the stress on your neck, you can look forward to many years of continuing to enjoy your smart devices!





The Surprising Link Between Posture and Depression

Have you ever been able to tell someone’s mood just by how they walked into a room? We all have! It’s a great example of how our posture and attitude are connected. Within seconds, you can look at someone and tell whether they are confident, depressed, withdrawn, or happy. Emotions, posture, and pain sensitivity are all influenced by each other.

Postural change has been linked to depression and other health challenges. Maintaining an unnatural, stooped posture can often create aches and pains that exacerbate depression, becoming a vicious cycle. On the flip side, a recent study discovered that people who were depressed found their mood to improve after they changed their posture.

The exact reason for these changes is yet to be discovered. It may be as simple as people feeling better by demonstrating a confident posture. Our body posture and position can influence the release of endorphins or feel-good chemicals in the brain.

Slumped posture has been linked with depressive symptoms.

An upright posture has been shown to improve mood.

Emotions and thoughts affect your posture and energy level. Look up and pull your shoulders back to reset your mind and body!

Next Steps:

The next time you are feeling down or depressed, pay attention to your posture. You’ll likely be slumped with your head and neck curved forward and down. A simple change in posture may help you feel more confident, energetic, and happy. And if your posture is causing neck or back pain, give us a call; we’ll be glad to help.

If you’re experiencing depression, we recommend reaching out to a professional for help.

Car Accidents: Everything You Need to Know to Find Relief

Whiplash: The Symptoms You Need to Know


Whiplash is an injury that occurs when your body is suddenly forced backward and forward. It’s the most common injury during an automobile accident and is one of the leading causes of chronic neck and back pain. While a little fender bender may not seem like a big deal, new research has shown that even small accidents can result in significant injuries.


The violent forces that occur during an auto accident can cause damage to your spinal discs, ligaments, tendons, and bones-even at “low” speeds. Most of these injuries happen because your head is quickly whipped backward and forward. This rapid back-and-forth motion frequently results in ligament tearing and spinal disc injuries. Symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, headaches, confusion, and even depression indicate that you’ve suffered a whiplash injury. You may not immediately notice any pain because of a spike in adrenaline during the accident. For many people, these symptoms may take hours or even a few days to develop after the initial shock of the car accident wears off.


Whiplash is an acceleration-deceleration injury that can affect your ligaments, spinal discs, muscles, and facet joints

There is often a period of little to no pain before the symptoms become worse

Symptoms of whiplash include neck or back pain, headache, radiating pain, confusion, and difficulty sleeping


It’s smart to get a complete evaluation after an auto accident to minimize your risk of long-term pain. Getting the right care at the right time can make a big difference in your ability to heal quickly and avoid long-term chronic pain. Remember, even small accidents can cause injuries, so if you’ve been involved in an auto accident, be sure to reach out to our office as soon as possible so we can help you get on the relief road.



How Long Does Whiplash Last?


Symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, back pain, headaches, dizziness, or confusion—none of these sound like a good time. So, if you’ve been involved in a car accident, you may wonder how long these symptoms will last. The good news is that with a proper evaluation and early treatment, you have a high likelihood of getting well within a matter of weeks.


One of the most common injuries associated with whiplash is ligament tearing. Ligaments are short, tough bands of connective tissue that hold together the bones in your neck and the joints of your body. If these ligaments are torn, it can cause neck pain. The average time it takes a ligament to heal is about six weeks with the proper care and treatment. If you notice symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or memory issues, you may have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). A majority of people with a mild TBI recover within three months.


Whiplash injuries frequently cause tearing of the ligaments that support proper spinal motion and stability.

The acute inflammatory phase of injury lasts up to 72 hours, the repair phase takes up to 6 weeks, and the remodeling phase of healing can last up to a year

A non-healed ligament injury can result in osteoarthritis



After an accident, the most important step you can take is to receive a full evaluation. Only after a complete evaluation will you know what type of injuries you’ve sustained and, most importantly- how to get well. You would be surprised how many people shrug off a “small” accident and push their symptoms aside. While that may save you a little time today, it’s likely to result in much more pain down the road.


Shoulder Pain After a Car Accident: What Does it Mean?



You may be surprised to learn that shoulder injuries and whiplash are some of the most common challenges after a car accident. If you are the driver and have your hands on the wheels at the time of the crash, the sudden force created by the accident can lead to a torn rotator cuff. Your shoulder is one of the most complex parts of your body and comprises a collection of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.


The rotator cuff is a ball and socket joint made up of three bones: your arm bone (the humerus), your shoulder blade (the scapula), and your collarbone (the clavicle). The supporting muscles, ligaments, and tendons are designed to help you lift and rotate your arm. Your shoulder is one of your body’s most dynamic and unstable joints. It’s hard to ignore a torn rotator cuff because…it hurts! Signs of a tear include shoulder pain when lifting your arm, weakness, pain when lying down, or a limited range of motion.


Shoulder impingement has been estimated to occur in up to 10% of people involved in car accidents

The shoulder is one of the most complex, dynamic, and unstable joints in the body, with a complex network of bones, ligaments, and muscles

The risk of neck or shoulder pain seven years after a collision was three times higher for patients with initial whiplash injuries than those without



Ignoring a shoulder injury after a car accident is not a good idea. Your shoulder is designed to move, and if you try to “let it heal” by not moving it, you’re putting yourself at risk for a frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is when your shoulder develops adhesions due to lack of movement. This can result in severe pain that takes months to heal. If you have shoulder pain after an accident, time is of the essence! Our team is here and can provide a complete evaluation and treatment plan for you to get moving safely and heal quickly.



Finding Relief After a Car Accident without Drugs or Surgery



Screech. Bam. Uh-oh. You’ve been involved in a car accident. Your day has been thrown upside down, and a million thoughts are racing. If you don’t feel immediate pain, you may be tempted to think you don’t have a problem. But waiting too long to seek care has been shown to increase the chances that you’ll need more aggressive interventions. Taking the right action steps as quickly as possible after a car accident can greatly improve your overall health and healing. With the stress of an accident, calling the insurance company, getting a car repaired, etc., it’s not uncommon for people to put their health and well-being last on the to-do list.


The problem is that the longer you wait to get evaluated and receive care, the higher your likelihood of needing more aggressive medical care. Without a proper diagnosis and treatment, your body may begin to “heal” with more scar tissue than necessary. You may also try to live “around” your injuries, which can cause additional stress and compensation on other parts of your body and lead to additional injuries. Research has shown that active care involving range of motion, mobilizing exercises, and strengthening can effectively reduce pain. We recommend three simple steps to give yourself the best chance to find relief without needing drugs or surgery.


The three steps to finding relief after a car accident

Get an evaluation: A complete evaluation can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan

Begin receiving care: After reducing inflammation, movement-based techniques are often recommended to help you regain your quality of life

Stay consistent: Getting well is a process. Stay consistent with your care to heal as quickly as possible



Next Steps:


There’s no way around it- auto accidents aren’t fun. But with the right healthcare team, most people can return to their full lives and activities without needing drugs or surgery. The key is to follow the three steps of evaluation, care, and consistency. While it seems simple, following the three steps will give you the best chance to get well quickly and stay well for years to come. And if you’ve been in an auto accident, call us today!

How Chiropractic Can Elevate Athletic Performance and Speed Up Recovery

The Athlete in All of Us

Professional sports and chiropractic care go back a long way. Athletes have always sought a performance advantage, and many have discovered that chiropractic can give them that competitive edge. Nearly everyone likes to believe they are an activeperson, so this month is an excellent opportunity to appeal to their inner athlete. Throughout the month, you will find a variety of topics related to sports performance and chiropractic care, including the social proof of professional utilization, the CrossFit craze, and exciting new research, all with a variety of fantastic testimonials.

Professional athletics have allowed chiropractors to showcase their skills as part of an elite healthcare team. Exciting new research has begun to show the depth of what can be achieved with an adjustment. Researchers from Brain Science found an increase in cortical drive and strength after an adjustment, and the team at SPINE found periodic chiropractic care has the potential to prevent future episodes of low back pain. Its an exciting time to be a chiropractor, and this month, our sports performance research updates will turn some heads in your community!

“I did a lot of things to stay in the game, but regular visits to my chiropractor were among the most important.” – Jerry Rice, Pro Football Hall of Famer

Emerging research has shown an increase in strength after a spinal adjustment

Periodic chiropractic visits can help evaluate, detect, and treat an emerging problem, thus preventing future episodes of low back pain.

 How Pro Athletes Deal with Pain

Professional sports are big business. The athletes are given access to various healthcare options to help them play at the highest level possible. Over the past few years, you may have noticed some familiar faces on the sidelines- chiropractors. Sports performance is a huge part of winning in a game of inches. Chiropractors are on nearly every sideline, working to keep the athletes happy, healthy, and productive over the course of a long and rigorous season.

The days of receiving shots of narcotics on the sidelines are over. Turning off the pain mechanism is an excellent way to cause more injury, not less. But, with chiropractors there to help find the cause of the injury- the athletes can get back on the field feeling better than ever. The sports franchises and the players now realize that a team approach to care is best.

Nearly every professional sports team has a team chiropractor on the sidelines

“I did a lot of things to stay in the game, but regular visits to my chiropractor were among the most important.” – Jerry Rice, Pro Football Hall of Famer

Chiropractors are there to help keep the athletes performing at their peak level

Crossfitters! Want to Get Stronger?

Crossfitters focus on strength and conditioning with a healthy dose of competition. And if you want to improve your WOD (thats workout a day for the uninitiated), then you need a plan to achieve your best performance while ensuring your body can recover quickly. Otherwise, injuries may cause you to slow down or even keep you from going to the gym altogether.  

As someone looking for optimal performance and recovery, there is no better choice than chiropractic. Exciting new research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can increase cortical drive by influencing your nervous system, which results in increased strength. Also, adjustments can improve spinal motion and reduce inflammation- all of which help with recovery.

CrossFit is a popular, high-intensity style workout

Improving core strength and flexibility can reduce the likelihood of injuries

Emerging research has shown an increase in strength after a spinal adjustment

Be Like Mike: How To Improve Your Sports Performance

Athletes and active people are always looking for a competitive edge. No one may embody that spirit more than basketball legend Michael Jordan. He won multiple world championships and gold medals, breaking almost every record in the NBA. So, what was the secret to his success? Aside from a tremendous amount of hard work and persistence, Michael said, “I didn’t know how much I could improve until I started seeing a chiropractor. Since I’ve been in chiropractic, I’ve improved mentally and physically by leaps and bounds.”

Like you, Mike was always striving to reach his full physical and mental potential. With that statement, he joined athletes like Tom Brady, Aaron Rogers, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, and Wayne Gretzky, who talked about how chiropractic care helped them stay at the top of their game. With the rigors of pro sports and the demands these athletes place on their bodies, chiropractic care would be used to keep them healthy and perform to their highest potential.

Here is what a few other star athletes had to say about chiropractic.

Chiropractic care has been instrumental in my life, both on and off the field…-Jerry Rice

Performing at my best is important and should be to everyone. Getting adjusted regularly

Along with practicing other good health habits that my mom helped me to establish these are all part of my goal to win in life and on the field. Aaron Rodgers

Ive been going to a chiropractor for as long as I can remember; it is as important as the practice of my swing.– Tiger Woods

Pro Tips to Keep Your Spinal Discs Healthy

Not everyone spends the week preparing to play on Sunday.Most of us will never make it to the NFL, and our big game is more likely to occur in a conference room than in a stadium. But,no matter what you do for work, doing it in pain is no fun. Instead of lifting weights and working with the coach on a new play, your day-to-day may consist of long hours commuting and then 8 hours sitting at a desk. Research has shown that all those hours sitting can place more stress on your spine than if you were working out and pushing the limits of your body all day long.

It may be a bit too late to change careers and try out for a professional sports team, but you can do a few things to stay healthy and productive at work and home, just like the pros. Daily exercise, light stretching, and chiropractic care can all help keep your spinal discs healthy and strong. Adjustments allow your discs to stay healthy by bringing in valuable nutrients to help heal and flush out the inflammatory substances that can cause pain.  Researchers from SPINEfound that periodic chiropractic care may be able to detect, evaluate, and prevent future episodes of back pain!

Sitting is one of the most stressful positions for your spine

Periodic chiropractic visits can help evaluate, detect, and treat an emerging problem, thus preventing future episodes of low back pain.

Keep your spine healthy with daily exercise, light stretching, and chiropractic care

Next Steps:

Instead of catching a game-winning touchdown, your idea of peak performance might include a fantastic presentation at your next team meeting. Dont let pain slow you down and keep you on the sidelines. You have made an excellent choice to include chiropractic care as a part of your active lifestyle. Let us know if you dont already include stretching in your daily routine. We would be happy to provide a few tips to get you started!

Neck Arthritis: Why Your Daily Habits Might Be to Blame

Arthritis is defined as the breakdown of the cartilage around your joints. It can happen anywhere in your body, and common symptoms associated with arthritis include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, or restricted motion. While arthritis is a natural part of the aging process, the decisions you make each day dramatically affect whether it becomes a problem for you as you get older. The choices you make today play a powerful role in your future health.


Many people get diagnosed with arthritis and believe they are destined for a life of pain, but that isn’t true. Thinning discs and bone spurs happen as we age due to gravity, previous injuries, and other lifestyle factors. But you can manage and even mitigate many of the challenges of arthritis by making positive decisions for your spinal health each day. Here are three ways to stay proactive and reduce the effects of arthritis:


Each day, perform stretches and exercises that foster a balance of strength and flexibility

Use good ergonomics at your work desk by keeping your monitor at eye level

Follow a diet that limits inflammatory foods, which can contribute to pain and chronic inflammation


Next Steps:


A habit is defined as a routine that’s repeated without you even thinking about it. It’s estimated that most habits form after about 60 days. Can you follow the healthy habits above for the next 60 days? There isn’t just one thing you can do to prevent arthritis, but making small changes to your habits each day can help you minimize your risk of painful arthritis. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis, call us to schedule an appointment.