Chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, SC

Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Do you think of yourself as a “glass half-empty or half-full” sort of person?

Have you ever had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or to “turn that frown upside-down” or who tried to tell you all about positive thinking and the mind-body connection?

Perhaps a friend has shared the classic “things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turn out” saying with you a time or two.

Maybe you’ve done so yourself a time or two as well.

Chances are good that if you or someone you know makes these comments, you’re positive thinkers.

And get this.

As the top holistic chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, we’re here to let you know that researchers are finding more and more evidence pointing to the many benefits of optimism and positive thinking.

Bottom Line:

It’s been said many times over many years by many people that mindset is the #1 predictor of success and for good reason.

The conversations that you have with yourself often play a major role in determining your personal growth.

The relationship between positive thinking and the mind-body connection is very real.

Here’s an example you might be familiar with…

Thinking that you can’t do something can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When we take on this type of mindset, it tends to get in the way and keep us from acting and making the decisions we need to make to do whatever it is we need to do.

The good news? There’s good news.

We can update our habits, beliefs, and the way we think, and that can have positive effects on both our mental outlook and physical wellbeing.

Why it Matters:

When it comes to positive thinking and the mind-body connection, choosing to practice positive thinking can be a key part of effective stress management, and effective stress management can mean a world of good for your body.

Some of those benefits can include:

  • Fewer chronic aches, pains, and less daily discomfort.
  • A lower likelihood of developing certain health conditions.
  • Better mental coping skills and physiological responses when it comes to stress.

As we all know, when you feel better, you also tend to make better decisions for your health.

You may very well be more active each day and make better food choices as a result.

Practicing positive thinking can allow you to look at the world with a new perspective, and that can empower you to become the person you know you can be.

That’s positive thinking and the mind-body connection in action!

A Closer Look at Positive Thinking and the Mind-Body Connection

Here are some additional interesting points you may not know about this phenomenon…

  • In one recent study, researchers found evidence to suggest that negative emotions may play a role in the development of a weakened immune response.
  • In another study, researchers attributed a positive outlook to a 30% decrease in the likelihood of one day experiencing a cardiovascular event.

Positive thinking matters.

As the top holistic chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, we’ve seen the changes that positive thinking can make in our patient’s overall wellbeing first hand.

So, what steps can you take to improve your outlook?

Next Steps:

This week, try and pay attention to the thought loops running through your head.

When you notice a negative thought, take a moment to try to be more conscientious about what you tell yourself.

Use some of those phrases the positive thinkers in your life have often shared with you.

This simple and small change can go a long way to help you cultivate a more positive mindset in the year ahead.

Remember, the research tells us that cultivating a positive mindset isn’t just a lackadaisical, “granola” way to approach life.

Studies examining positive thinking and the mind-body connection have shown us that our mental health impacts much of our physical health, and a positive mindset can lead to improvements in our overall health and well-being.

Speaking of that mind-body connection, if you’ve been living around some chronic aches and pains and you just can’t get them “off your mind”, call the top holistic chiropractor in Mount Pleasant.

Our doors are open, our team has been there, and we’re here to help!

Try These 5 Simple Steps for Setting Health Goals

There’s some real wisdom in the saying that goes “a goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Have you ever felt like you were working hard and took all the right steps for setting health goals but, at the end of the day, you just weren’t making any progress towards them?

That might as well be a rhetorical question, right?

Of course you have. We all have.

And being the go-to wellness chiropractor in Mount Pleasant for everyone from…

  • Lisa and Matt working and living at the speed of their three kids…
  • To second year basketball coach Noah…
  • To first year yoga student Kim…
  • To retired master sergeant Ben…

And so many others –  we’ve seen, heard, and helped people from all walks of life follow some SMART steps for setting health goals.

Bottom Line:

The truth is that most people often feel “stuck” when it comes to their health goals right about this time every year.

They set goals, take a few action steps for setting health goals, but never seem to accomplish very much for one reason or another (except for Diane, the little old lady next door that just won’t quit – but we digress).

And one thing we’ve noticed is that the problem really isn’t a lack of motivation… it’s the lack of clear and SMART goals.

Why it Matters:

Following these 5 SMART steps for setting health goals can make all the difference in your follow through.

These structured goals make it easier for you to clarify your thoughts, focus your efforts, and use your time to your advantage.

Following such goals can also increase your chances of not only achieving but perhaps even surpassing your expectations.

5 SMART Steps for Setting Health Goals

Let’s break down our SMART acronym…

  1. Make It Specific: Make your goals specific for more effective planning. Think what, why, who, where, when, and which.
  2. Make It Measurable: define how you are making progress. Think how much, how many, and how will I know when it’s done.
  3. Make It Attainable: make them reasonable to accomplish. Think about how you can accomplish it and be realistic about any constraints you might have to contend with.
  4. Make It Relevant: your goals should align with your values. In a word, it should be worthwhile to you personally.
  5. Make It Time-Based: set a date of completion. Your goals can be short-term or long-term (today, 6 weeks, 6 months, etc), and this step in particular can help you focus and prioritize multiple goals.

We usually cover these steps for setting health goals with those who came to us after searching specifically for a wellness chiropractor in Mount Pleasant online.

As you may have guessed, they’re looking for more than the standard adjustment, and most all have told us that this framework along with our care and guidance really did make all the difference in their new year’s resolutions and other aspirations.

Let’s circle back to Lisa and Matt for a moment.

Both were active runners before becoming parents, and they hadn’t run a marathon together for 5 years.

They wanted to make this the year they finally got back to it, so they made a SMART plan.

  1. Specific: They wanted to start running together 3 times a week for 20-60 minutes (ideally, they would increase the minutes logged every few months), stretch on off-days, and visit our office at least once a month.
  2. Measurable: They would log their runs on their kitchen calendar, using various colored markers to represent the times.
  3. Attainable: They’ve both run marathons in the past, so while it had been awhile, this was in both of their comfort zones.
  4. Relevant: They had always enjoyed running, even before they met, and reviving their hobby was important to them.
  5. Time-Based: There was a local marathon put on downtown every year, so they knew how long they’d have to prepare.

They stuck to their SMART steps for setting health goals and did, in fact, finally enjoy that first marathon together!

Next Steps:

A goal without a plan is just a wish.”


It couldn’t be more true.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action becomes reality.

There is no better time than right now to take some simple SMART steps for setting health goals to improve your wellbeing this year.

That said, we also want to add that living a healthy life is a journey, so be sure to celebrate each step of your progress, no matter how seemingly small.

And know that our team will be here to help guide you along the way.

When it comes to health questions, health challenges, and resolving those nagging aches and pains that have been holding you back from reaching your goals, it’s smart to start by reaching out to the top wellness chiropractor in Mount Pleasant.

Whether you’re looking for…

  • Whole-body chiropractic adjustments
  • Guided exercise and stretching recommendations
  • Or diet and lifestyle advice

We’ve got you covered, and we’re here to help!

Just give us a call.

Try These 3 Chiropractor-Approved Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

We all know someone who gets sick around the holidays every year.

Are they just unlucky?

Well, while it probably would have helped if someone had shared some tips for reducing holiday stress like those we’re about to share with you…

Thankfully, luck doesn’t have anything to do with it!

Our bodies are designed to be healthy and resilient, and research indicates that our daily choices may be the most crucial factor in our ability to stay well.

Why it Matters:

Managing our daily choices well = managing our daily stresses well = staying well.

If you’re looking for a wellness center stress management program in Mount Pleasant, be sure to remember that.

The most reliable and effective tips for reducing holiday stress are based on this logic.

Think about it.

Each day, our bodies are tasked with handling our chemical, physical, and emotional stresses in order to protect and maintain an optimal state of health.

That includes what goes into our bodies, how we use our bodies, and any changes we make to our habits in response to stressful situations.

Each is vitally important.

Our Top 3 Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress This Year

Aging, healing, and your entire life experience happen through a constant concert of communication and coordination between your brain and body.

Knowing that, here are 3 steps you can take today to give yourself better health as we head into a new year…

  1. Daily Movement: Exercise is an essential way to keep your mind and body fit over the holidays.
  2. Mental Moments: Each day, set aside time to pause, decompress and count your blessings.
  3. Portion Planning: Try to plan and balance your meals so you give yourself the best shot at avoiding any extra empty calories or foods that may lead to added inflammation.

Now, we admit, at first glance, our list of tips for reducing holiday stress can seem incredibly obvious – you’ve heard these same tips time and time again.

Those who have come to us looking for a wellness center stress management program in [your city / town / neighborhood] have said as much when we first met them in our practice.

And perhaps that’s exactly why so many of us tend to ignore them or just otherwise put these essential fundamentals of our own self-care on the backburner.

Allow us to put a “bow” on that list to better put their importance in perspective.


“Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.”

Your body truly does have an incredible innate ability to adapt, change, and heal, and it all starts with prioritizing those daily habits that lay the groundwork for your good health.

Next Steps:

Staying healthy this holiday season is more than attainable.

Your habits and the choices you make each day can either enhance or reduce your body’s ability to feel and work at its best.

Your diet and daily exercise and self-care routines play a huge role in your well-being, so take a few minutes each day to be proactive with your healthy habits.

Managing your daily stresses with these tips for reducing holiday stress – and really all stress – are great ways to get started.

And if you need help…

If you’ve been looking for a wellness center stress management program in Mount Pleasant…

We hope you’ll give us a call.

Our team is always a call or a click away, and we’re here for you!

3 Unique Ways Chiropractors Can Help Relieve Holiday Stress

Did you know… chronic stress – especially chronic holiday stress – can contribute to health challenges like anxiety and even back pain.


When your body is in a constant state of stress, it produces hormones that can disrupt almost all of your body’s natural processes.

That’s one of the big reasons discovering healthy ways to cope with and ultimately relieve holiday stress is one of the best ways to keep yourself well before, during, and after your much anticipated family gatherings and favorite festivities.

As it turns out, chiropractors may be the perfect healthcare partner to help you get started.

And we’re here to tell you why you should consider seeing a chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Mount Pleasant to get the most out of this holiday season.

Why it Matters:

Research has shown that chronic stress affects both your brain and body in various ways and identifying its presence early is a key way to relieve holiday stress and maintain your good health.

In recent studies, researchers observed both decreased cortisol levels and improved motor control following chiropractic adjustments (spinal manipulative therapy).

Early signs of chronic stress include sleeplessness, headaches, muscle tension, and joint pain.

How Chiropractors Can Help Relieve Holiday Stress, Naturally

As it happens, chiropractors can help you overcome stress in a few unique ways.

Here are just 3 ways we can help you reduce stress…

  1. Reducing Muscle Tension: Reducing any built-up tension in your muscles can help soothe a tired body and mind.
  2. Restoring Movement: Gentle adjustments to the body can help you move your back, arms, and legs more freely and with less pain.
  3. Offering Personalized Exercise: Daily exercise is a powerful way to turn the dial down on that mental stress and up on your overall physical wellbeing (not to mention the effectiveness of our care!).

Remember, move better, feel better!

Chiropractic heals, and seeing a chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Mount Pleasant is a smart way to de-stress before, during, and after the holidays.

In fact, in several studies, researchers observed that people receiving spinal adjustments reported a higher quality of life in general than those who weren’t – less pain, less down days.

Needless to say, eliminating those down days can certainly help relieve holiday stress!

Next Steps:

Even people who are never stressed out often start to notice an uptick in headaches, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping during this time of year.

If you’re finding it just a bit challenging to simply relax and enjoy the holidays…

If you’ve been having trouble finding ways to relieve holiday stress…

We hope you’ll think of our team and won’t hesitate to give us a call.

Our doors are open all season long, and especially when you need a local go-to chiropractor who treats muscle tension pain in Mount Pleasant, we’re here for you!

How Holiday Stress Affects the Body (and How Chiropractic Can Help)

Your stress level and spinal health are linked through your nervous system.

Just think about what happens to you physically when you get stressed out.

More specifically, think about how holiday stress affects the body.

Your muscles tense, your breathing patterns change, and often, so does the way you move.

As the leading neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, we know that last part to be especially true.

Changes in your posture, for example, can lead to neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and more – all in response to the stress you’re feeling.

Why it Matters:

Stress often triggers some cycle of pain or dysfunction, and the process is coordinated through your nervous, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

Here’s an example of how holiday stress affects the body:

If you’re stressed out, you may notice you start to exercise less, which may lead to pain and stiffness, which may bring your mental health down, which may in turn lead to more stress.

You should know, our team can help you combat the effects of stress on your body.

Let’s look at an alternative…

● Stress can affect your posture and the way you move.

● That abnormal motion can lead to pain and inflammation.

● Chiropractic adjustments to the body can help improve your posture, the way you move, and lessen any physical irritation to your nerves.

How Holiday Stress Affects the Body

Correcting any abnormal movement patterns with gentle, safe, effective, and non-invasive treatments is where chiropractors shine and why you shouldn’t hesitate to visit a neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in [your city / town / neighborhood] if you’re in pain.

For many, a few targeted adjustments to the affected joints can help reset any distorted movement patterns which in turn can make a significant impact on their overall pain levels, mobility, and well-being.

In one recent study, researchers observed a measurable improvement in the biomechanical and functional performance in low back pain patients immediately following adjustments.

Participants were able to both move and complete tasks more efficiently and freely and with less pain, and knowing what you undoubtedly know about how holiday stress affects the body, this is HUGE.

And, in yet another study, researchers found that chiropractic care was associated with significant improvements in health-related quality of life over time, especially in pain.

Next Steps:

In short, movement is the best natural “medicine” for bringing down those stress levels and improving the way you move and feel.

In fact, daily exercise has been shown to lower stress levels, elevate moods, and improve overall health.
Between workout sessions, gentle chiropractic adjustments to the body can help keep you moving well and keep any pains at bay so you can get the daily exercise you need to stay well this holiday season.
That’s exactly what we do everyday as the go-to neck and shoulder tension chiropractor in [your city / town / neighborhood].
So, if you’re all too familiar with how holiday stress affects the body and you’re looking for a natural way to relieve those aches and pains so you can get back to enjoying the festivities and more, we hope you’ll give us a call!

Got Chronic Holiday Stress? Chiropractic Can Help.

As the leading chronic pain chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, we know a thing or two about stress and the effects it can have on our neighbors before, during, and after the holiday season.

And stress can actually be a good thing.

If a lion were chasing you, an increase in heart rate, muscle tension, and focus would hopefully help you escape unharmed!

Thankfully, you don’t need to worry about being chased by a lion today.

It might be someone cutting you off on the way to pick up your holiday gifts that could put your body into the same fight or flight mode.

Remember the last time you saw a car veering into your lane, and your heart rate went through the roof?!

That is an acute stress response in action.

Your brain and body respond to negative stress whether real or imagined, and chronic stress – yes, including chronic holiday stress – can have a profound impact on your health.

Why it Matters:

Again, in the short term, acute stress can be a good thing.

It helps us react quickly.

Your brain tells your adrenal glands to release hormones (chemicals) that help your body respond in an instant.

Adrenaline increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies.

Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugarsin the bloodstream, enhances your brain’s use of glucose, increases the availability of substances that repair tissues, and curbs functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation.

This complex natural alarm system can also alter immune system responses and suppress the digestive system.

Now, normally, the body’s stress response / alarm system is self-limiting.

However, if the body’s stress response continues unchecked for an extended period of time, you may feel yourself slip into chronic stress mode.

As the go-to chronic pain chiropractor in [your city / town / neighborhood], we’re here to tell you that, yes, chronic stress affects people of all ages and from all walks of life.

(Yes, even that friend you have that lives for yoga and meditates every. single. day.)

And it probably comes as no surprise that chronic holiday stress can wreak havoc on your brain and body – we’re talking heightened levels of cortisol secretion and even the development of a sensitized physiologic stress response.

What’s more, the symptoms of chronic pain and chronic stress overlap and often feed into one another, causing the cycle to continue.

Here are some key points to remember about the chronic stress cycle…

● Chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, headaches, sleep problems, and potentially more.

● Stress, pain, and inflammation are all connected by the stress hormone cortisol.

● Spinal adjustments may be able to promote a decrease in your cortisol level.

Wait? Chiropractic care could help me with my chronic holiday stress?

Indeed it can.

Chiropractic Care Can Help You Manage Chronic Holiday Stress

Recent studies have shown that chiropractic care, specifically spinal adjustments, may help to decrease your body’s overall stress levels.

In one recent study, researchers found that participants who received chiropractic interventions for their chronic, recurring neck pain and headaches reported significant improvement in both their perceived physical and mental stress levels.

They also reported improved physical function, which is thought to be the mechanism via which chiropractic care can act to reduce the recurrence of chronic stress and chronic pain that can contribute to cycles of chronic stress.

Next Steps:
So, to put a “bow” on everything you just learned, we recommend taking some time each day to check on your own stress levels throughout the holiday season.

If you start to feel it rising, we hope you’ll give us a call, and make an appointment with the top chronic pain chiropractor in Mount Pleasnt for a tension relieving, soothing adjustment.

Together, our compassionate team of wellness experts can help you combat that chronic holiday stress and say goodbye to those nagging back and neck aches so you can actually enjoy the holidays this year and for many to come!

These Low Back Pain Relief Exercises Can Help You Recover Quicker

When back pain strikes, your first instinct might be to sit down or lie down until your discomfort subsides.

But get this.

Recent studies strongly suggest that medications and rest are actually a couple of the least effective ways to find relief!

What’s more, research also tells us that it’s often a lack of daily movement that causes back pain to begin in the first place!

And, actually, most of us already know that, don’t we?

If there’s one thing just about every patient we work with for low back rehab in Mount Pleasant agrees on, it’s that if we remain sitting or standing in the same position for too long, we get sore, stiff, and tired.

It’s clear our bodies were designed to move.

It makes sense, then,  that movement is one of the best ways to recover from back pain.

But, wait…

If everyday activities where we’re up and moving like vacuuming can take a toll on our back and leave us feeling the same as if we had been sitting down for too long, how exactly does movement help us recover?

When it comes to finding the best low back pain relief exercises, you need to think like a chiropractor.

Let’s dive in.

Why it Matters:

Finding relief from low back pain through movement starts with a basic understanding of proper body mechanics.

The right movements and exercises can help you recover more quickly and prevent future back pain episodes.

Let’s start with movement.

There are three different basic types of body movement: segmental, regional, and whole body movement.

The foundation of all movement is segmental movement.

You can think of segmental movement as what occurs between the individual joints of your body.

A step above that are regional movements which are the more complex overall movements that occur in a particular body region like the neck, mid-back, or low back.

Finally, whole-body movement is what we typically think of as exercise.

As you can tell, all three types of movement are essential and work together to keep your spine and musculoskeletal system healthy and supported so it can keep functioning at its best.

Let’s break it down…

  • Segmental Movement: Moving the individual joints of your body is what chiropractors are specifically trained to do. Proper segmental movement can help reduce physical and neurological pain and improve your range of motion.
  • Regional Movement: Regional range of motion exercises performed in combination with dynamic stretching can help reduce low back stiffness.
  • Whole Body Exercise: Daily exercise not only helps your brain and body feel better as a whole, but also helps to improve your body’s ability to rest and recover at night.

Low Back Pain Relief Exercises

Targeted whole body exercises are particularly important because these motions can help strengthen and lengthen the muscles that support the spine.

As you might imagine, we recommend a combination of low or minimal impact exercises and stretches that focus on the back and core muscles to our patients who’ve come to us for low back rehab in Mount Pleasant.

Strong core (abdominal) muscles are key to helping you maintain proper posture and alignment of the spine, and flexible muscles are less prone to injury which means you’re less prone to injury.

That said, it’s important to keep in mind that low back pain relief exercises that help to build-up and support the back shouldn’t involve awkward or physically stressful motions as these often have the opposite effect.

Bicycling, swimming, and walking are all examples of fundamentally safe and beneficial activities that are characterized by low impact movements.

Activities like tennis, weight lifting, and running, on the other hand, can be considered somewhat risky because of the different motions and impact involved. The same can be said with the vacuuming example we mentioned earlier.

Simple, low impact, easily repeatable exercises and stretches that you can regularly incorporate into your daily routine are key for improving your back health.

Next Steps:

If your joints aren’t moving correctly, the rest of your body isn’t moving correctly, or well for that matter, and that’s when pain can strike.

And while moving may feel like the last thing you should do more of if you’re struggling with back pain, research has repeatedly shown that movement and exercise are two of the best ways to find relief from back pain.

If you’ve dealt with back pain, and you’re exploring options for low back rehab in Mount Pleasant, we hope you’ll give us a call today.

We’re dedicated to providing pain-relieving, back-pain-preventing, drug-free options for low back pain relief including low back pain relief exercises, and we’re here for you.

Our expert team has the experience and know how to ensure your body is moving and functioning at its best and to help you design the perfect personalized exercise plan to help you get (and stay) well for years to come!

When to Have Back Surgery and When to See a Chiropractor Instead

Many people think that surgery is the ultimate once-and-for-all “fix” for a problem area of their spine that has been injured.

They may believe that the answer to the question of when to have back surgery is if they’ve been living with it for more than a month or so.

And while in a very small percentage of back pain cases surgery has reportedly provided some level of relief…

It’s also true that the permanent changes that surgery makes to your anatomy can cause a host of new problems to appear, and that’s in addition to the inherent risks that come along with such invasive procedures.

For instance, one of the conditions that may result from surgery is referred to as “adjacent segment disease,” and it’s the number one reason low back pain surgical patients go back for more.

Now, odds are, surgery is not something most of us would turn to as a first or even second resort to find relief from our low back pain.

It’s likely that most of our neighbors would look for non-invasive back pain treatment in [your city / town / neighborhood] before considering surgery.

But some of us with chronic low back pain (which refers to pain that has lasted for more than 3 months) may have wondered if it’s something we’d have to seriously consider.

So, let’s consider it together, right now.

Why it Matters:

In one recent study, researchers found that those low back pain patients with disc issues who received chiropractic care experienced the same if not more relief than patients with the same condition who underwent invasive back surgeries.

The chiropractic patients found relief without any of the risks associated with surgery.

When to Have Back Surgery

Obviously, we specialize in providing non-invasive back pain treatment in [your city / town / neighborhood].

That said, because in this exercise we’re also examining when surgery should be considered, here’s another interesting finding that came out of that study…

It turns out that those individuals who didn’t find “great” results with chiropractic care were actually found to be great surgical candidates.

So, wherever you fall on the spectrum of low back pain – condition, duration, etc – if you’re wondering when to have back surgery, it makes sense to see a chiropractor first.

Either way, we’ll get you on the path to relief.

Let’s recap…

  • It’s estimated that approximately 60% of patients with sciatica back pain who received chiropractic care benefitted to the same degree as if they had received surgery.
  • On that note, it’s estimated that around 25% of patients who undergo back surgery may experience complications.
  • Research strongly suggests that low back pain patients with disc herniations should consider chiropractic care before exploring surgical interventions.

Next Steps:

We understand that having any surgery is a big decision, and that it can be difficult to know when to have back surgery and when to wait.

Between the time you’ll have to spend away from work and the possibility of living with results that aren’t exactly fantastic, it’s smart to explore all available options.

If you’ve been looking for non-invasive back pain treatment in Mount Pleasant, we hope you’ll think of us.

In our practice, our goal is to help you avoid unnecessary and risky medical procedures and prescription medications for pain relief and healing in favor of natural and conservative treatments that are, well, often more effective (especially in the long-term).

However, if you are one of the few people who we sincerely think may benefit from surgery, rest assured that we will let you know.

In our practice, your wellness comes first.

And our compassionate team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best care recommendations based on your goals and our findings.

It’s how we believe healthcare should be delivered, and we’re here for you.

Here’s What Causes Low Back Pain… and It’s Not What You Think

Yes, it’s true.

Low back pain is something that a majority of us – well over 80% of the world’s population – will deal with at some point in our lives.

It’s also true that a majority of this community have considered seeking low back pain treatment in Mount Pleasant.

But, what causes low back pain exactly?

Most of us mistakenly think that any back pain we experience must be attributed to a single incident.

The time you picked up a box that was just a little bit too heavy.

The time you were hit square in the back with a baseball.

The time your best friend’s son decided to try The Rock’s (aka Dwane Johnson’s) infamous “People’s Elbow” on you while you were crouched down on the floor just trying to pick up some important papers (true story).

The truth is that it’s usually not just one incident contributing to your ongoing low back pain.

Let’s take a closer look at the low back and what you can do to turn the dial down on your nagging low back pain.

Why it Matters:

First, some fundamental anatomy.

Your low back is made up of 5 bones you’ll hear us refer to as the lumbar vertebrae, each with spinal discs in between them.

These bones protect your spinal cord which travels down through your spinal column and branches out to the left and right side in between each vertebrae.

Supporting the incredible structure that is your spine is a variety of ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Knowing that, the “real” cause of your back pain is probably becoming clearer.

What Causes Low Back Pain

As it turns out, low back pain often occurs because the stress on a particular area of your spine has outweighed your body’s ability to adapt to and handle that stress.

And, of course, if the stress on any one area of the spine becomes too great, then an injury may occur.

When it comes specifically to what causes low back pain, the most common low back pain related injuries are sprains and strains, spinal disc bulges and herniations, and facet joint issues (misalignments, adhesions, etc).

The good news is that, in most cases, these injuries can heal pretty quickly with the right care.

We’ve helped many people seeking low back pain treatment in [your city / town / neighborhood]  just like you find natural relief from their low back pain right here in our practice.

To put that all together…

  • Abnormal motion of the spinal joints and other structures in your low back can cause and contribute to ongoing low back pain.
  • A double-blinded, randomized controlled trial found spinal adjustments to be more effective than NSAIDs for the care of low back pain.
  • Research also strongly suggests that ongoing periodic chiropractic visits may prevent future episodes of low back pain.

Next Steps:

So, what can you do to relieve your low back pain?

What we’ve seen in our practice as far as what causes low back pain and how it should be treated aligns with what researchers have found.

The best way to reduce your risk of experiencing low back pain is to be proactive with your spinal health.

Daily movement, dynamic stretching, regular exercise, and ongoing periodic chiropractic adjustments are all examples of simple steps you can take to help keep your low back in tip-top shape.

And whether it’s been some time since your last adjustment, you’re finally ready for your first, or you’re looking for advice on the exercises and stretches that make the most sense for you, know that we’re here to help.

We provide naturally-based low back pain treatment in Mount Pleasant and more, and we’re here for you.

Just give us a call!

Research-Backed Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain Without Surgery

Have you ever immediately stopped in your tracks or fallen to your knees because of a sudden onset of sciatica pain?

Perhaps your low back “locked-up” and pain shot down your leg after a simple sneeze or cough or you bent over to pick something up.

Talk about one of the most unwelcome surprises of your life!

And it can be scary.

After all, intense pain like that must be caused by something serious, right?

Well, as the leading chiropractor that treats sciatica in Mount Pleasant, we’re here to tell you that may not be the case.

In fact, finding ways to relieve sciatica back pain may be simpler than you think.

Why it Matters:

Let’s start with what typically causes sciatica back pain.

Sciatic pain is often caused when a spinal disc, excess bone, or overgrown ligaments begin to pinch on your low back’s nerves.

These nerves travel down your buttocks, down the back of your legs, and into your feet.

It might surprise you to learn that disc bulges and herniations are quite common as we get older, and a majority of the time, they don’t cause any pain.

That’s right.

As a go-to local chiropractor that treats sciatica in Mount Pleasant, we’ve seen it first-hand more times than we can count.

You can (and may right now) have various spinal disc issues that aren’t causing you any pain.

However, if a nerve in your low back were to become “pinched”, your body would almost certainly be sure to let you know about it with a jolt of pain.

That pain may have you thinking that one of the only ways to relieve sciatica back pain must be to “fix” that bulged or herniated disc by cutting it out with surgery…

But that’s often not the case.

Ways to Relieve Sciatica Back Pain

We’ve found, and research supports, that non-invasive conservative treatments like those offered in our practice are among the most effective ways to treat and relieve sciatica back pain.

Forget the scalpel.

Think stretching, exercise, and spinal adjustments.

Research indicates that each of these treatment options can help reduce the pinching or compression on your spinal nerves to provide clinically significant relief from the painful symptoms associated with sciatica.

Let’s take a closer look…

  • Controlled movement of your spinal joints can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with a sciatica attack.
  • In a recent study involving patients with lumbar disc herniations, researchers observed that participants reported more relief (over 60% more) with spinal adjustments than with spinal injections.
  • It’s estimated that less than 5% of people with sciatica are good candidates for surgical intervention, and, for that reason alone, surgery should be considered a last resort.

Next Steps:

Let’s set the record straight once and for all…

Having sciatica pain does not mean that you are destined for surgery, and you don’t have to just learn to live with it for as long as possible until that day comes.

A majority of people with disc issues and sciatica can get well using chiropractic care.

And you can be one of them.

There are other ways to relieve sciatica back pain, and it starts by seeing a chiropractor that treats sciatica in Mount Pleasant.

Your spine is resilient, your spinal discs can heal, and we’re here to help.

Just give us a call to get started!