Chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, SC

What Causes Inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is among the most significant health issues many of us will face today. It’s been linked to everything from chronic pain to a wide range of other mild and serious medical conditions.


It’s important not to mistake acute inflammation for chronic inflammation.


Acute inflammation describes your body’s natural defense mechanism against injuries or toxins. When your immune system is constantly stressed, it can lead to chronic inflammation, which can lead to other conditions.


In 2014, it was estimated that over 50% of people had at least one chronic condition, and 40% had more than one.


Chronic inflammatory diseases can include respiratory and heart disorders as well as diabetes.


The majority of these disorders are linked directly to our lifestyle choices. Each day, you can either increase or decrease your state of inflammation.


Here are some fundamental ways to start taking your life back from chronic inflammation:


Eat right. Fruits and vegetables are high in natural antioxidants and may protect the body against inflammation.

Get enough rest. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can reduce your physical and emotional stress levels, which has been linked to a lower risk of chronic inflammation.

Stay active. Exercise can lower the amount of pro-inflammatory chemicals in your body and benefit your cardiovascular and mental health.


Reducing your risk of chronic disease and inflammation begins with the choices you make every day, and we’re here to help you make the best decisions to help you live a full, active, and healthy life.


If you believe you’re not eating, sleeping, or moving as well as you would like, be sure you have an appointment scheduled with us. Together, we’ll analyze your habits and create a plan to get you and your well-being back on track.

Neck Pain: How To Find Relief

An episode of neck pain can quickly hamper your everyday activities. Whether you began experiencing pain due to injury, degenerative spinal changes, or poor posture, it can be difficult to think about anything except the pain when you’re struggling. It’s estimated that 70% of people experience neck pain in their life, but you should know there is a path towards relief.


Neck pain can create everything from headaches to pain in your arms and hands to pain directly on your neck. Different types of pain indicate different issues. The most common reasons for neck pain are strained muscles and stuck spinal joints. Each of these challenges can cause a lot of pain and may have you fearing that you have a more significant issue. But, with a proper examination, our team can pinpoint the cause of your pain and provide a complete plan of care to help you reclaim your life from neck pain.


Facet joints are small spinal joints at the back of your spine which can become fixated or stuck and cause pain

Muscle strains can occur due to poor posture at your desk or sleeping in an awkward position

Motion heals: relief typically begins by reducing the inflammation and improving your range of motion


Next Steps:


A small adjustment can make big changes in your quality of life. Our practice is focused on helping you feel (and function) better by improving your spinal motion and then providing you with the stretches and exercises you can do at home to continue your improvement. If neck pain has got in the way of you enjoying your life- give us a call. Our team is here to help.


Is My Arm Pain Coming from My Neck?

Pain in your hand, wrist, or arm can be frustrating. You don’t realize how much you use your arms and hands until pain, numbness, or tingling gets in the way. Most of us don’t usually think that an issue in our neck may cause our arm pain. But it’s very common that arm pain can be traced back to a nerve issue in your neck.


Hand, wrist, and arm pain often starts with a neck problem. When a spinal disc in your neck irritates or presses on a nerve, it can result in arm pain. Like the power lines that bring electricity to your house, your brain and spinal cord split into individual nerve roots that deliver information to every body part. The nerves in your neck are specifically focused on providing strength and sensation to your head and arms.


A bulged or herniated disc in your neck can irritate or compress the nerves that travel to your hands, arms, and shoulders

A recent study of people with cervical (neck) disc herniation showed improvement in over 86% of people who received chiropractic adjustments

Improving spinal mobility, decreasing inflammation, and improving your posture may help prevent future episodes of neck and arm pain


A painful arm with a pinched nerve in your neck rarely requires surgery. Most people can find long-term relief with conservative care, such as chiropractic. Getting rid of the inflammation and giving the disc time to heal are part of a complete plan we use each day to help our patients reduce their symptoms and get their lives back.


Stenosis: How a Pinch in Your Neck Can Affect Your Whole Body

Have you been told that you have spinal stenosis? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from spinal stenosis each day, and it’s the number one reason people over 65 years old have spine surgery. Spinal stenosis is the compression, or pinching, of your spinal cord. It can occur due to a disc herniation, bone spur, or ligament overgrowth. But drugs and surgery are not the only way to find relief.


For many people, the most significant challenge associated with spinal stenosis is the decreased ability to get up and move! Severe pinching in your neck can cause issues with your arms and legs. One of the best ways to relieve the symptoms associated with spinal stenosis is to open up the spinal canal and take the pressure off the nerves and spinal cord. Many chiropractic techniques focus on decreasing the pressure on your spinal cord, relieving the symptoms associated with spinal stenosis.


Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine, which can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine

Spinal stenosis is most commonly caused by degenerative changes in the spine related to osteoarthritis

Relief can often be found by building up your strength while improving the flexibility and stability of your spine with chiropractic care


After chiropractic care, many patients report decreased symptoms, the ability to walk further without pain, and improved overall quality of life. If you have been slowed down due to spinal stenosis, do not hesitate to schedule an evaluation with us. We will provide a complete evaluation and guide you toward the best treatment options to find relief.


Why Does My Neck Hurt?

Your neck has a tough job. It has to hold, stabilize, and move the weight of your head every day for a lifetime. Holding up 11 pounds may not seem like a lot, but the seven bones and 20 neck muscles need to work together in perfect harmony to move your head around and keep that weight balanced. Postural changes, sudden injuries, and arthritis are a few of the primary causes of neck pain. Pain can often be traced to a problem with your necks muscles, bones, discs, or nerves.


If you’ve ever been unable to turn your head for a day or two, you know how debilitating and life-changing neck pain can be. The sharp muscle spasms that restrict your ability to move can happen when your body tries to protect a spinal joint that isn’t moving correctly. Almost every bone in your neck has a pair of sliding joints towards the back called facet joints. If an adhesion forms or the joint is stuck, your body will try to compensate or work around the issue for a little while. But, over time, this compensation can cause additional challenges.


Sudden injuries, arthritis, and postural issues can all contribute to neck pain

The small sliding joints (facet joints) of your neck can become stuck and cause muscle spasms and pain

Gentle spinal adjustments combined with daily stretching can help restore the motion of your facet joints and reduce pain


Pain in your neck is your body’s way of saying “pain attention”! Even if it eases up by the end of the day, it’s smart to have us evaluate your motion. Movement assessments are part of our examination and provide us with incredible information about your body. By taking a proactive approach to your health today, you may be able to prevent future episodes of neck pain and stiffness.


Posture: Balancing Strength and Flexibility

Both strength and flexibility play a significant role in how your posture develops.

For instance, a strong and flexible core helps the body dynamically adapt to every environment. The spine is supported and moves well, reducing the possibility of injury or pain.

While it’s true that “perfect” postures may not exist, improving our strength, flexibility, and ergonomics goes a long way toward improvement.


Your body is dynamic and designed to move, but over time, it may feel less dynamic than it used to!


Getting into a wellness routine with exercises focusing on strength and flexibility is a smart way to keep your body feeling young while promoting good posture – a true win-win.


Here’s why.


Strengthening exercises can help develop proper support for your joints and decrease overall postural stress. Incorporating stretches and exercises focusing on flexibility will help your body maintain its ability to move through its full range of motion.

Did you know…


Your posture will likely improve when you focus on increasing muscular flexibility.

Lifting weights strengthens your back, shoulder, and core muscles, which are essential to standing properly and preventing lower back pain.

Stretching your muscles and joints also leads to a greater range of motion, improved balance, and increased flexibility.


Next Steps:


Remember, postural stress can add up over time.


Just because you’re not currently in pain doesn’t mean that everything is functioning at its highest level or that your daily wellness routine is as optimized as possible.


Our team specializes in posture and provides comprehensive individualized care plans – adjustments, stretches, exercises, and all!


Schedule an appointment today if you’d like to learn more about how we’re helping the people in your community achieve an ideal balance of strength, posture, and flexibility.


Our doors are open, and we’re here for you.

How Your Smartphone Impacts Your Posture

Believe it or not, many of us spend 3 hours or more per day on our smartphones. That adds up to over 1,000 hours each year!


And the positions we tend to hold our heads in while using our devices can be, well… damaging. You are damaging to your posture and damaging to your spine.


It’s not surprising that over the past few years, an uptick in these awkward positions has led to an uptick in head and neck pain.


It’s estimated that tilting your head forward, even just 15 degrees, can triple the weight of your head on your neck. Tilting your head forward 60 degrees can increase the stress and strain on your neck ten times over.


Repeating this forward head posture repeatedly can result in pain, stiffness, dysfunction, headaches, and more – a group of symptoms often referred to as “Tech Neck.”


The good news about postural stress and “Tech Neck” is that simple routine changes can help reduce your risk of experiencing pain.


Here’s what you need to know:


“Tech Neck” is the term used to describe the flexed head and neck position that occurs when looking down at your smartphone.

Just 15 degrees of forward bending can increase the stress of your head on your neck three times over.

Taking breaks every 15 minutes and looking up from your phone or tablet can help your body reset and give your muscles a chance to relax.


Reducing your “Tech Neck” symptoms involves more than just changing the angle you look at your phone.


Proper ergonomics and regular stretching and exercise all play significant roles in helping you continue to enjoy your favorite devices without those nagging pains.


If you’ve been living with “Tech Neck” and are ready to take action, you’ve come to the right place!


Our expert team is prepared to help evaluate your ergonomics and provide a plan of action complete with personalized recommendations that will help make it easy for you to maintain a more balanced posture for years to come

How to Improve Your Posture

When discussing posture, we often refer to your body’s overall position as you stand, sit, or lie down.


Most experts would agree that a “good” overall posture involves physical positions that reduce stress on the body by balancing the load placed on the muscles and ligaments that support the spine.


If you’ve looked in the mirror and noticed that your posture doesn’t look as balanced as you’d like – not to mention it doesn’t feel as balanced as you’d like – you may be wondering what you can do to improve it.


One of the best ways to improve your posture is through motion.


Changing positions frequently during the day, stretching, and specific postural exercises are all ways to improve your posture.


Good posture helps you keep your bones and joints in proper alignment, which helps reduce the wear and tear on your joints and decrease the strain on the ligaments that support your spine.

Here are some key takeaways:


Good posture means keeping your spinal curves aligned and weight evenly distributed.

Stretches and exercises can help improve your posture and reduce your risk of neck and back pain.

Standing desks have been shown to reduce back pain by over 30% compared to sitting at a desk.


Remember that stretching and exercising are essential when creating a plan to improve your posture.


Equally important is knowing where to start.


Our postural and movement assessments can help you determine the best strategy to help balance and improve your posture, especially if you’ve been living with pain.


It all starts with a phone call. We’re standing by and ready to help!

Perfect Posture is Dynamic

Is there such a thing as perfect posture? The answer may surprise you.


The latest research shows that it’s actually more beneficial to think about your posture as dynamic, not static.


In other words, your ideal posture is constantly changing and evolving.


Think of your posture as a dynamic pattern of responses, reflexes, and habits, not just a fixed position.


Gravity, your work environment, and your body’s anatomy all play essential roles. For instance, sitting for hours at a time staring at a computer screen is a perfect example of a damaging static posture that, over time, can lead to the development of chronic forward head posture.


Forward head posture affects millions of people who spend their days using computers and can potentially cause pain and degenerative changes in your spinal joints. It places stress on the neck and shoulders and weakens the supporting muscles.


Here’s what you need to know…


Forward head posture affects millions and results in neck pain for up to 75% of those affected.

Neck pain, tension, stiffness, and tenderness are all signs of chronic forward head posture.

Trapezius strengthening has been shown to provide clinically significant relief for those struggling with neck pain due to forward head posture.

If you spend long hours each day in a single position – like sitting at a computer – it’s important to take the time to take periodic breaks to stretch and move your body.


Remember, posture is dynamic, and stretching can help “reset” your posture but also help keep your spine healthy and your energy levels up!


Scheduling a posture and movement assessment with us is also a smart idea to help ensure you remain as pain-free as possible no matter how you spend your days. Just give us a call!

E-Learning: How to Avoid Tech Neck

Is your child connected to a phone, computer, or tablet during and after school? Think about it. Many of us aren’t more than an arm’s length from our phone at any time (even when sleeping). Spending time every day looking down at our devices can place a lot of stress on the supporting muscles of our neck and lead to an uptick in headaches. It’s a condition called “Tech Neck,” one of the most common causes of headaches and neck pain.


The countless daily hours kids spend on phones and computers can significantly contribute to tension headaches. It’s estimated that kids spend up to 1,400 hours per year in the exact positions attributed to the development of “Tech Neck.” That’s not surprising. Recent research has also shown that even 15 degrees of forward head tilt can triple the weight of the head on the spine.


Here are some key things to remember when it comes to “Tech Neck”:


“Tech Neck” is the term used to describe the symptoms of headaches, neck pain, and poor posture attributed to the forward head posture often associated with using your phone, tablet, and computer.

Taking a break from our mobile devices every 15 minutes can help reduce the likelihood of developing recurring neck pain and headaches.

Chiropractic care, including adjustments and postural exercises, can help decrease the pain and reverse the effects of “Tech Neck.”


Next Steps:


Keep it simple. Encourage your children to take breaks and stretch often. These are some of the best (and easiest) ways to help them break the bad habits leading to “Tech Neck.” If your child spends a lot of time online and begins experiencing neck pain or headaches, don’t hesitate to give us a call.


Our team is experienced in evaluating children and creating kid-friendly care plans. Our doors are open, and we’re ready to help you and your family live the highest quality of life possible!